Monday, June 22, 2009

Our Environment, Global Warming, And How You Can Help!

By: Gordon Brown


There's no question that our planet is warming up. Average global temperatures have risen around the world in the last 100 years, especially in the past 20 years. There are many theories out there when looking for answers to this, but only two are obvious. One of those theories is the idea that the Earth naturally goes through temperature cycles during the course of its existence. Another idea is that we as humans are introducing untold amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and this is causing the planet to heat up.

Regardless of how and why Earth is warming up, it's happening, won't stop anytime soon, and may be dangerous in the long run. Maybe it's human activity or maybe it's not, nobody will be able to tell us what the exact cause is. However, what we do know is the human population most certainly contributes to the warming of the planet. The good part is we have the power to slow it down and cut our carbon dioxide output down drastically.

There are many things you can do to help our environment and cut down on your carbon footprint, all of which are reductions of energy usage at home and on the road. First and foremost, replace all the light bulbs in all your residencies to the energy-efficient bulbs. This is huge and will save you hundreds of dollars a year on your power bill, thus promoting a cleaner environment. You can also replace your old appliances with newer, energy-efficient models. The same goes for your air conditioner. These are the top 3 ways to cut your power costs at home.

There's now a 4th and big way to reduce your carbon footprint and power bill, that is, solar panels and wind turbines you can build yourself. You can find guides and manuals online that teach you about everything you need to know. The best part about this is how simple and easy it is to construct a green energy power system in your home. Not many people know about this, but it's a serious money saver when comparing DIY green energy to professional installations. They cost tens and tens of thousands of dollars. If you're interested in such projects there's a popular new site on the internet that will feed you all the information you need.

Finally, and the most effective way to reduce your carbon footprint is to avoid driving your vehicle! Walk, jog, roller blade, or bike everywhere and anywhere you can. Get that blood pumping and the savings of fuel and energy mount up incredibly fast. If you can apply multiple techniques described here, I guarantee your energy costs will drop drastically.
Regardless of what's causing global warming, we should all be striving to do our part and cut down our carbon footprints. Whether it's turning the TV off at night or riding your bike to school, the Earth and the people inhabiting it will thank you.

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